How to Select the Flooring Options for Your Home?

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Ricky Bernhard

Expert writer

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Getting the flooring right for your home is crucial, with the entire look, atmosphere, and comfort of your home influenced by this. A big decision then, one you do not want to rush, as you really do kind of have to get it right the first time and live with your decision for quite a while, as changing your flooring once every six months is financially not the best thing you can do. So to help you out a little, here is a list of things you should consider before making a decision.


The first thing you want to consider is the room or likely rooms in which the flooring will find its place, as shape and size play a pretty important role in making the right decision, along with the lighting of the room. Flooring works a lot like paint or wall coverings in this regard, where lighter colors will make small rooms feel more roomy and spacious, while darker colors can bring warm accents and create a more elegant atmosphere. So before you head to Conner’s to browse through, make sure you bring maybe a flooring sample to lay out in the rooms and check the effect, as seeing them actually in place will give you a better understanding of how the flooring will blend in and work with the room. You will also be able to see how the room will look at different times of day, with different lighting levels, and so on.

The Style

While you are considering how the new flooring will fit in with the surroundings, it is a good idea to think about the style of flooring you want to opt for, especially when it is easy to get carried away when you are in a showroom, or browsing online and seeing image after image of the most extravagant flooring that would look at home in a penthouse. Also, keep in mind practical considerations like the ease of cleaning, especially if you need to deal with messes like fireplace ash. You shouldn’t forget the simple fact that your chosen flooring needs to actually sit well with what is already in your home. You are not just thinking about the flooring, but about the rooms it will be in and how well everything will go together.


Once you have the basics figured out, it is time to start thinking about what type of flooring you want, with an abundance of choices nowadays available to you, but there are basically four main types, those being vinyl, tile, wood, and carpet. The type you end up selecting will certainly be influenced by the other points mentioned, but in the end, it also comes down to your personal preferences. Once you have the type you want, look at the sub-types like wood, for example, solid wood flooring, hardwood flooring, and so on.

Flooring is one of the most important aspects of your home, and it is pretty vital to get it right the first time, as you can’t simply switch out flooring as you would curtain, so be sure and take your time before making an actual purchase.

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